Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh Nepal...

Oh Kathmandu- you are such a holy place with so many Shrines, Deities, Temples, and Religions. You are so beautiful with your copious amounts of colors-your street flowers, women's Saris, Tibetan Prayer flags, Stupas, Blue and Green painted doorways, and offerings smeared and left behind wherever it is pleased to leave them. You are home to so many different Nepali Tribes and leave room to welcome Tibetans to live and foreigners to visit. You are a gateway trekking getaway and have so much to offer for those who seek.

Oh Kathmandu- you are so very noisy. Cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles; they all honk too much. Everyone clears their throats to spit. Dogs have so much to say and speak amongst yourselves night and day. The chickens cluck, the silver smiths clunk, and the streets are lined with Junk. And oh the garbage- it is everywhere and the smell of the city at times is that of diarrhea and stale urine. Everything seems, smells, and feels so dirty. 

Oh Kathmandu- your have so much great food to taste, but I am weary. The water and vegetables are hard to trust. I make sure not to visit the stenchy hole in the ground, I mean the toilet, before I eat because it will only scare me away from the establishment. Your Masala/Chai teas are those that please which good because the coffee here is a tease.

Oh Kathmandu- I have had so much time to rest, reflect, be alone, and be mindful, yet why do I feel so exhausted? I was looking forward to being alone, but instead I just feel lonely. My face feels flushed and my eyes feel heavy. I want to go home, I'm feeling ready. I want to walk somewhere and pause when and where I choose, without someone insisting I buy, look at, or feel a product. I enjoy to walk and don't always need your taxi. "Madam, madam, do you like this?" says the man playing a squawky high pitched child's toy string instrument. "No, no actually I do not. the sound hurts my ears and I would like it if you stopped following me." Oh how I miss making eye contact and exchanging a friendly smile without it being an invitation or anything more than what it is. I feel shut off to people. I feel as though I can not welcome those fun and random occurrences of meeting people because I fear to open up and trust anyone. This is so sad in a country that has many English speakers.

Oh Kathmandu- if only I could find some green saving grace that I can find peace in without worry of stray dogs or monkeys, or sitting in someones piss, shit, or spit.

Oh Kathmandu- It was so great to finally see the real you! A Nepali so Kind, with eyes to trust and a sense of hospitality to brag about. I needed to very much to see and be in /around your green mountains. I needed so very much to be able to make eye contact and share a sense of being human, to make an everlasting impression of a good person from this valley. My intuition was right to guide me to coffee, to speak with someone, to be open to an adventurous opportunity. I love the traveling world and how it takes care of me. I love that after I write about how I need a random occurrence, not even two minutes later, life presents one before me. 

1 comment:

  1. i love chai! its the first thing im going to consume after this baby. we miss you around these parts. thank you for sharing on this lovely blog!!!!

    love, brig
